Finding Relief from Anxiety through Intuitive Painting: My Personal Story


So I’m sure many readers can probably relate, but I struggle with severe anxiety, and it can get to a point where I don’t want to leave my house for days. It’s draining and sometimes makes it difficult to focus on my passions and interests.


Several years ago,  I discovered intuitive painting, and it’s been a game-changer for me. Intuitive painting is a process of painting without a plan or an idea in mind. It’s all about allowing your creative energy to flow freely without any expectations or limitations. It’s a meditative practice that’s helped me tap into my emotions, process my anxiety, and become more aware of when I need to slow down and check in with myself.


As an artist, I’ve felt pressure to share my work, post on social media, or show at galleries. While these can be exciting opportunities, they can also be overwhelming and cause intense feelings of anxiety to arise. I have to remember that as an artist, I reserve the right to hide inside my hermit shell and recover from spent energy. Taking a break from the pressures of the art world can help me return to the joy of creating.


Intuitive painting allows me to focus on the creative process rather than external expectations. I can paint anything that comes to mind, without worrying about whether it’s good or bad. It’s a liberating experience that reminds me why I started creating in the first place.


However, it’s essential to remember that if your anxiety is debilitating, you should seek professional help. Mental health professionals can help you develop coping strategies, including mindfulness practices like intuitive painting.


In conclusion, intuitive painting has helped me manage anxiety by allowing my creative energy to flow freely without any external expectations. It’s a reminder that I reserve the right to take a break from the pressures of the art world and focus on my mental health and wellbeing.

If you would like to begin your own intuitive painting journey, try my online workshop today!

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